You’ve got a story to tell. Make your memoir a page-turner of a book people will want to read.
You have a story to tell. There has been a time in your life when things happened that impacted you and set you in the direction of the future you call “life” today.
Now you want to share that story, and you want a book that tells it in a way that readers will understand while discovering the profound events that unfolded in your life. You want to impact the lives of others and help them learn as only a powerful personal story can teach.
But you know little about how to write a book, or have a draft and aren’t sure what comes next.
You know that if this book is really going to get into the hands of the people you aim to impact, you need help. You don’t have time to try and find an agent, but that doesn’t matter, because you know you have an audience that will gladly pick up and pay for your book if you package it beautifully with your best telling of your story on the page.
You’ve got a story to tell. You’ve lived through an experience that left you changed forever, and you know that if you share it you can make a difference in the lives of others.
You have little or NO skill as a writer, but you can certainly tell your story, and with the help of a writer it would be perfect for a book.
Or, you’ve written your story and have a way with words, but now you need a good editor and publisher of books who can make the story flow on the page so you’ll be proud to share it.
You’re not interested in trying to compete for an agent. You have a story that will reach a specific audience. Maybe you have a business with clients who will find your story interesting, or you have followers on social media. A well-written and professionally produced memoir is just the ticket to bring credibility to your brand.
You’ve taken your story and put it in a professionally polished book. You said you would do this, and now you feel great because you took your heart’s desire and made it reality.
Now you share your book with your audience. Readers are intrigued. They had no idea of just how powerful your experience was, and they learn something new.
You feel so confident in sharing your book that you’re ready to share with a larger audience. You announce it on social media and find that others have similar dreams and find your story helpful.
You’ve got something tangible you can sell to a specific audience interested in your story and your mission. Your story helps them feel empowered.
You’re no fool. You know that others have stories of their own that detail an experience you’ve experienced. But you know your version of the story, and the lessons you gleaned from it are uniquely yours.
You want to use the power of a book, something not everybody creates, to help share your story. You know that in sharing your memoir, others’ lives could be changed.
A stack of memoirs. Let us help you put yours at the top!
We are here when you’re ready to turn your memoir into a well-published book reality.
We begin by determining where you are in the process of turning your story into words on the page. If you’ve written content, we will start by evaluating it and offer suggestions as to how to flesh it out so that every page propels your story forward.
If you prefer, we write your memoir; we schedule a series of interviews to capture the story, and then turn those interviews into a written piece.
Once the first draft of writing is complete, we will dive in and review the content to see how the story reads and make revisions so that the words compel a reader to turn to learn what comes next.
Once the memoir text is final, we’ll dive in and determine the perfect design for your book (cover and interior) so that your story has the polished look you want.
All billing for your investment will be itemized and reported monthly so you can track the work progress. Payments can be made by check or Paypal.
A proof copy is printed and sent to you for final review.
The final book is shipped to you (and you can order as many as you wish).
A stack of memoirs. Let us help you put yours at the top!
The pricing of creating your self-published memoir book will be specific to the services you select. We charge $60 an hour, and provide complete transparency as to time and work for your project requires so you can decide what best suits your budget.
Even as I read my story I almost cry. It is so different putting the book together in words with my thoughts and feeling included. When I see how you have crafted the text and the beauty of the cover and layout, I am so pleased. I truly would recommend anyone to you if they want help turning their memoir into a book. Sherry and Alexandra I thank you so much. The book is just right. I could not ask for any part of it to be different.
--Stephanie P.
Hello there,
I’m Sherry of Storied Gifts.
About the time someone realizes how important their history is, and they recognize they don’t have the time or the know-how to create their memoir, they contact us.
I started Storied Gifts more than a dozen years ago because I’m passionate about life stories, and seeing them in print. A few years ago, my daughter Alexandra, based in Lima, has joined on with the team and we’ve produced books for satisfied clients together.
We provide self-publishing services for memoirists, family, and company legacy books. We take clients from that disarray of important information to the all-in-one beautiful and meaningful composition, the perfectly-crafted memoir to share with those who matter most.
If you’re ready to turn your story into a memoir book, let us help you!
Sherry Borzo, founder Storied Gifts
A stack of memoirs. Let us help you put yours at the top!
We are here when you’re ready to turn your memoir into a well-published book reality.
“I love all insider memoirs. It doesn’t matter whether it’s truck-drivers or doctors. I think everybody likes to go backstage, find out what people think and what they talk about and what specialized job they have. ”
If you’ve long known you want to share your story in a memoir but need help to do it, hiring us can ensure you reach the goal.
Everything depends on where you are in the process of creating your memoir as well as its length. We will be clear as to the timeline to create your project after your initial consultation. Most memoir projects take months or up to a year.
You’ll get a custom written and designed book that meets your vision and is professionally-printed and beautiful to look at. This can be a memoir you share with a specific audience or even a legacy book for your brand or business.
We work with professional interviewers, designers and writers who’ve been part of our team on multiple projects. Our creative team works together to create a book that not only meets your vision, but also meets our shared Storied Gifts high standards.
We will discuss your goal and draft a contract that outlines everything so we understand and can trust that we are on the same page. You will receive monthly invoices detailing the work done to that point and pay as we progress.