10 Essential Questions to Ask Your Dad
10 Essential Questions to Ask Your Dad
Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below, and I may receive commissions for purchase made through the links in the post. However, these are products I highly recommend. I won’t list anything I haven’t tried and found personally useful.
Every year Father's Day falls on the third Sunday in June. Interestingly, the day for honoring fathers came some years after Mother's Day was first inspired in the 1860s.
The roots of Mother's Day came as a response to the fractured state of the country after the Civil War, which even makes today's political infighting pale by comparison. Per History.com "Mother's Work Days" began as a means to bring together people embroiled in post-war bitterness in the town of West Virginia. At the time, the country couldn't agree on slavery or states rights, but we could all get behind the shared experience and love for our moms.
The celebrations became so popular that by 1914, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the second Sunday in May as a federal holiday to celebrate moms.
In 1908, West Virginia again launched a day meant to acknowledge the importance of fathers. However, national recognition lagged, and it over 60 years later before President Nixon signed a proclamation for Father's Day in 1972.
The primary reason for the delay was that Father's Day didn't capture the hearts of commercial outlets like Mother's Day, which was well suited for gifting moms flowers and candy. Even in the early 20th century, we couldn't figure out what to give dear old pops as a token of our affection.
Today many of us still struggle each year about what to give Dad. Here we explore what may be the perfect way to show love and learn important lessons, too: inviting dads to talk about themselves and their unique dad-world.
In these gender-fluid times, it's important to note that "dad" qualities are not universal. Some dads are quiet, while others are enthusiastic conversationalists. Some dads find it hard to show their feelings, while others cry over gushy movies. But chances are, no matter your dad's personality type, being honored by your interest in hearing them talk about themselves will be treasured.
By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong.
By encouraging your dad to share their memories and thoughts, you can spark more profound conversations. You'll learn details about your dad, what it means to be a dad, but also how your dad has helped shape your life.
Here we offer 10 Essential Questions you can use to launch the richness of storytelling with your dad.
What does being a dad mean to you?
Did you first want a son or a daughter? Why?
How does or did your role as a dad play out daily, and how is it different from Mom's role?
What were your Father's Day experiences growing up with your dad?
Are there things you do differently from your dad?
Describe some differences you felt about your oldest children versus your youngest?
How do you express your love to your children? Did affection look different between your sons and daughters?
What do you hope your children will learn from you about being a dad/parent?
What "traditional" dad things do you do, and where do you break with tradition?
How does or did your work and career challenge your role as a dad?
Whatever your experience, your dad provides unique influence and insight into your childhood which has helped shape your present. Getting to know your dad with storytelling prompts can be the path to helping you revisit shared stories – and, more importantly, see your dad through the eyes of a wiser adult.
What our fathers teach us at odd moments
And when it comes to giving a gift, some of the trinkets symbolizing affection will be soon forgotten, but engaging in storytelling is a coveted gift that shows your dad you want to connect.
Once you've gotten a taste of the benefits of capturing stories with your dad, you could be ready to explore hearing more stories from both of your parents. For ideas of igniting stories and engaging with your parents, we offer up 60 of the best questions to ask.
If you've stored up some years yourself, you know how faulty memories can become. Our perceptions are skewed by our limits on what we see, hear, and comprehend. And our understanding of our world is colored by assumptions that sometimes stay untouched. Is it any wonder we can walk around pretty clueless at times?
Once you start asking questions of those who have been essential in your life, be prepared to reconsider what you thought you knew. You could begin on a new adventure of reevaluating many of your life stories with new insights from your dad's answers.
Postscript: When things seem out of control like it feels these days, acting where we have control is a comfort. Cleaning up your stuff is within your power! If you need help getting going on organizing your home check out Get Organized Gal’s courses for support.
I used her course to organize my office, and it is in pretty good shape these days. Success in one space has lead to cleaning channels to other rooms and photos as well. Check out he courses here.
Sherry and Alexandra Borzo together in Lima, Peru
Sherry is the founder of Storied Gifts a personal publishing service of family and company histories. She and her team help clients curate and craft their stories into books. When not writing or interviewing, Sherry spends loads of time with her grandchildren and lives in Des Moines, Iowa.
Need a beautiful infusion of inspiration for your storied life? Please check out the Storied Gifts Shop where the theme is Words of Encouragement.
The shop is a mother and daughter venture for Sherry and Alexandra Borzo of Content In Motion. They both work to help their client's stories sing. The shop is their effort to inspire a focus on healthy minds for everyone through positive thought.
Please like the Storied Gifts Facebook page. We offer tips and inspirations to help you tell your stories and live a storied life by harnessing your healthy mind through the power of the thoughts you choose.