6 Storytellers on YouTube You'll Love
Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below, and I may receive commissions for purchase made through the links in the post. However, these are products I highly recommend. I won’t list anything I haven’t tried and found personally useful.
In the past six months, I've transitioned from using YouTube as a tool to help fix my toilet to a frequent source of serious quality entertainment and inspiration. Creators of all kinds offer viewers the opportunity to explore lifestyles vicariously. Experiences vary from living alone in the woods to traveling the world via the highways or the waterways.
There are plenty of opportunities to get distracted and derailed on YouTube. You are beckoned from one video to the next with a nearly frantic feed of options. Personal discipline is essential if you don't want to get lost down rabbit holes!
The iconic YouTube channel logo
But I've found numerous YouTube channels worthy for their enriching storytelling and beautiful videography content. If beautiful places and inspirational stories are your thing, then here are six channels that have become my recent favorites. I can strongly recommend them.
A scene like many you’ll find on Sailing La Vagabonde
#1 Sailing La Vagabonde was my first foray into watching video storytellers at work. Partners Elayna Carausu and Riley Whitelum are an Australian-born couple who have logged over 41,000 nautical miles together, which they've filmed since 2014.
During their seven years, they have kept us posted on their destinations and adventures, sailing the waters of the Mediterranean, Atlantic, Caribbean, and Pacific oceans. Along the way, they birthed a family and upgraded to a catamaran.
La Vagabonde offers a gorgeous oasis of islands and adventures. Once I discovered it, I made it a point to go back and watch their videos from the beginning. Elayna has honed her skills for capturing the moments of their life, while Riley's passion for bringing sailing enthusiasts on board is apparent, too.
You'll get your share of spotting aquatic life, deep dives into the ocean, and visiting tiny islands. But you'll also learn about the grinding work of serious boating and sailboat maintenance, chasing down provisions – even the endless need to do laundry!
The couple and now their two children reflect their authentic nature to people (everyone seems to be a mate), and they understand that their videos touch the lives of many viewers. Not only do they highlight the gorgeous views and experiences as they sail, but we also meet interesting people who are part of this sailing community world.
Florence is beauty at every turn.. Kylie Flavell captures gorgeous beautifully.
#2 Kylie Flavell, who hails from Australia, explains that she is a magazine writer and editor, filmmaker, and passionate storyteller. I'd go so far as to call her a gifted cinematographer, creating visually stunning work on film.
The distinction is essential here between cinema and video. Yes, YouTube creators upload endless "video" content, but that word isn't enough for Flavell. She has a brilliant aesthetic sense for capturing the gorgeousness of subjects on film, as well as breathtaking landscapes and splendid foods.
I stumbled onto her while watching another YouTube creator and was immediately taken in by her sumptuous visuals of Italy. It was then that I learned she is a seasoned traveler with film footage of other locations, including South America, Morocco, Thailand, and many places across Europe.
I have yet to go back and watch her earlier work as I bask in Italy, including cooking episodes in her home and the enticing details of her journey in the Italian countryside. She recently married an Italian, and they are renovating a country home.
At first, I found Flavell's breathy voice and passionate enthusiasm a jab at my somewhat cynical nature, but she has lulled me into her worldview. As she puts it, she is "someone who believes in kindness and beauty and the power of believing in yourself and your dreams." You deserve to spend time languishing in Flavell's stories.
Nature is always part of Schaffer’s backdrop to her videos.
#3 Christian Schaffer describes herself as an outdoor adventure photographer. She also is part of a movement of people who live full-time on the road, traveling and living in a built-out van. Schaffer tours and captures scenic areas across the continental United States.
Schaffer's talent for capturing the awe of American landscapes is evident in her films, which feature epic moments of exciting scenery that she encounters. In between presenting these stunning views, she takes time to chat with her audience about day-to-day life as a nomad. She details the how and why of her experiences traveling and living in a van, offering tips for anyone who might consider taking such a leap.
Unlike other YouTubers who ponder and pander to the platform's algorithms and sometimes express the pressure of the constant need to feed their channel, Schaffer is unapologetic about her somewhat relaxed schedule for uploading new episodes.
Schaffer's approach has not hurt her following at all. She has consistently grown since I've been watching, sitting at over 133,000 followers as of this post. And viewers subscribe for good reason; Schaffer is so calm and forthright about her story, and she delivers such beautiful footage. It's nature candy for your spirit.
A scene from an apartment, only for Kelly Stamps she keeps it even more minimal.
#4 Kelly Stamps dubs herself a storyteller, and in YouTube speak, she does this by posting vlogs about her life as a single woman living on her own. Stamps makes the most of her videos primarily in the confines of her home, yet they are pretty engaging. In large part because of her bright humor.
Not only is Stamps funny, but she is also deeply insightful, impressive given she is only in her mid-20s (I don't mean to sound condescending. As a woman of 60, I'm super-impressed, as I know I was not that together).
In Stamp's episodes, we learn she likes minimalism, tiramisu, and talking into her spatula. She is also on the move, changing locations from Manhattan to Boston and now Texas. Stamps considers herself an introvert, albeit one who likes ice skating and is working toward her pilot's license.
I am a part of her "Stampede," a fan base that dramatically grew from 100,000 subscribers in May of 2020 to 600,000 by December of that same year.
Paris is the backdrop for The Purple Palace
#5 The Purple Palace is the world of artist Shayna Klee who lives in Paris. Her vlogs often take us on walks visiting the sights and sounds of the city that she loves. However, Klee's best moments occur in her apartment or art studio, where she talks about her thoughts and inspirations. And particularly about her life.
There was the breakup with her long-time boyfriend, her experiences completing art school and the nightmare neighbor in her apartment building. Often, Shayna breaks out with funny takes on her situations with dancing and singing, too.
Klee strives to find inspiration in painting and creating work in multiple mediums such as music, poetry, and film. She walks us through her process of working out her internal dialogue of doubt.
Shayna's approach to her vlog is to share her broad creativity and be a friend as well. When we are on the move in her stories, we may stop for a hot chocolate and croissant or dance with friends at a party.
Shayna speaks to artists and anyone who aspires to reach for a better life who may find her insights helpful. And if you happen to love Paris, then you'll find it here as well.
The tool for creating video
#6 Cecelia Condit is an artist who creates stories on film of "heroines whose lives swing between beauty and the grotesque, innocence and cruelty, youth and fragility." Each of her films tells a tale, the kind of storytelling that leaves the viewer considering what they've seen for its deeper meaning.
Condit's films have been shown internationally at festivals, museums, and "alternative spaces." Her work represents the kind of film installation pieces that always lure me in when I find them at art museums. I watch and re-watch, trying to appreciate the process and the compelling nature of the subjects at play.
Condit explains she is "storyteller working within the psychological landscape of contemporary fairy tales, dreams, and poetry." Indeed, as I watch a piece, I find myself grappling intentionally about important topics in a new way.
There are only 17 films currently available on Condit's channel. One of my favorites is "Possibly in Michigan," which features women shopping in an empty mall while being stalked by a monstrous man. It is a horror account about violence against women, featuring a catchy melody. The artist describes the film as "a short musical horror story." Created in 1983, the film has more recently gone viral via Tik Tok.
Check Out the YouTube Universe for Storytellers
My list of subscriptions to YouTube channels has grown in the past year. I have discovered the remarkable level of originality and the high quality of the creators making content. Of course, I still seek out those how-to videos when I have a DIY project on the docket, but there is so much more. In fact, there is enough excellent storytelling by YouTube creators I've pulled back on my streaming services and created a channel for Storied Gifts. Look for me to learn and improve the Storied Gifts channel in 2022!
Postscript: When things seem out of control like it feels these days, acting where we have control is a comfort. Cleaning up your stuff is within your power! If you need help getting going on organizing your home check out Get Organized Gal’s courses for support.
I used her course to organize my office, and it is in pretty good shape these days. Success in one space has lead to cleaning channels to other rooms and photos as well. Check out he courses here.
Sherry and Alexandra Borzo together in Lima, Peru
Sherry is the founder of Storied Gifts a personal publishing service of family and company histories. She and her team help clients curate and craft their stories into books. When not writing or interviewing, Sherry spends loads of time with her grandchildren and lives in Des Moines, Iowa.
Need a beautiful infusion of inspiration for your storied life? Please check out the Storied Gifts Shop where the theme is Words of Encouragement.
The shop is a mother and daughter venture for Sherry and Alexandra Borzo of Content In Motion. They both work to help their client's stories sing. The shop is their effort to inspire a focus on healthy minds for everyone through positive thought.
Please like the Storied Gifts Facebook page. We offer tips and inspirations to help you tell your stories and live a storied life by harnessing your healthy mind through the power of the thoughts you choose.