Do You Know What You Don't Know, The Timeless Lessons of The Black Count by Tom Reiss

The Black Count by Tim Reiss served as an excellent book and, by way of solid storytelling, brought the times of General Alex Dumas and 1700s France alive. His story involves the significant human themes of racism, greed, and the sways of government that often work against the governed. Dumas may have been an 18th-century man, but the experiences of his life still prove relevant today.

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Why You Need To Be A Critical Thinker, Lesson From Ignaz Semmelweis

We have more information at our fingertips than ever before, which should be a good thing. With so much access to content, you’d think humanity would be pretty smart—and yet that doesn’t prove out.

If there’s anything recent history has taught us, it’s that we’re gullible, pliable, and easy victims to believing misinformation. If we don’t learn critical thinking and utilize it in all aspects of life, we’re susceptible to things like fraud and manipulation.

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Life StorySherry Borzo
Fly A Bit Higher with Aviation History Under Your Wing, Dr. Janet Bednarek

Something rare awaits you in this episode of The Delicious Story. We visit with aviation and urban historian Dr. Janet Bednarek, professor at the University of Dayton.

She takes us on a journey covering the historical highlights of aviation after WWI, including the evolution of the airport system, and the role of barnstormers in igniting the public’s interest for flight.

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Live a Life of Connection, Ginger Johnson

In this episode of #thedeliciousstory, we visit with Ginger Johnson, expert connector, author, and coach, about how the world you live in is filled with the opportunity to connect, an adventure just waiting for you to grasp it. Her goal is nothing short of epic—to ignite your curiosity and help you find the thrill in looking out and seeing the possibilities when you engage with others.

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How to Practice Contentment to Achieve Success

Why do you want what you want? You say you want more money, a particular job, a changed body, or a better relationship, but if you get any of these—then what? To strive and plan for the future is an important part of being human, but if you don’t reach the goal, or even if you do and still feel wanting, it might be that you’re not content with something else.

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You're Down And Can't Get Up Again? Harness Your Courage Inspired by Nellie Bly

Have you ever felt as if you’re lacking in the courage department? Perhaps you’ve stalled on something, or have felt sullied by past failure, or unable to tap your inner gumption to strive again. Don’t freak out, though. It happens. There are other people who have been there, too, and still lived on to realize a dream.

Case in point: meet history hero Nellie Bly, a woman who didn’t let personal limitations hold her back

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