Posts in Journaling
How to Practice Contentment to Achieve Success

Why do you want what you want? You say you want more money, a particular job, a changed body, or a better relationship, but if you get any of these—then what? To strive and plan for the future is an important part of being human, but if you don’t reach the goal, or even if you do and still feel wanting, it might be that you’re not content with something else.

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You're Down And Can't Get Up Again? Harness Your Courage Inspired by Nellie Bly

Have you ever felt as if you’re lacking in the courage department? Perhaps you’ve stalled on something, or have felt sullied by past failure, or unable to tap your inner gumption to strive again. Don’t freak out, though. It happens. There are other people who have been there, too, and still lived on to realize a dream.

Case in point: meet history hero Nellie Bly, a woman who didn’t let personal limitations hold her back

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My New Year's Goals Have Been All Wrong! How About Yours?

Are you living on autopilot with a series of habits in a mundane life that does not represent what you want? Do your days bleed one into the next with little joy and excitement? If you’re living a life that is simply “fine” as Mel Robbins puts it in her Tedx presentation, let’s dive in and see if we can add in the goals and actionable steps to make your focus personally transformative.

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How To Plan to Make The New Year Your Best Ever

Has 2020 left you feeling depleted? Let’s dream big, then, and find an actionable course to make 2021 better and bigger together!

It’s mid-November and definitely time to start thinking ahead for the new year—one which, for so many, is a fresh start after a year that feels lost.

So, where to begin? For me, planning starts with a brainstorm dump where I dig into my journals and

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Make A Difference For One, The Lessons of Etta Angell Wheeler

Months ago the #reallivesbookclub read “Out Of The Darkness” by Eric A. Shelman and Stephen Lazoritz, M.D. which details the story of a child named Mary Ellen Wilson who was the victim of abuse during the Mid-1800s in the United States. Her situation—along with the commitment of Etta Angell Wheeler to step in and save her—eventually led to the creation of the Child Protection Movement.

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How To Find Your Peace of Mind

You know that moment when you experience that wave of relief? For example, when you misplace your phone or wallet, and then all of the sudden it appears. This week, we dive into that sense of calm but on a bigger scale. This is the kind of clarity you feel once you are fully informed and have a plan around something that, previously, was causing you strife.

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Take Comfort in Order

The order of things that bring comfort. There’s a moment’s respite when I spot a stack of books, or the pattern of brick on a wall, or a row of items displayed neatly across a table. Are you drawn to order, too? Anecdotally, it appears most of us are. Lately, I’ve captured images of arranged stuff and posted them to my Instagram feed, which ironically

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